Created on Monday, 13 July 2015 11:18
Dermatovenerology service started its activity in Niš in 1912. In 1950, the dermatovenerology section was situated in the building which currently houses the clinic. On July 1, 1971, the Dermatovenerology Clinic was established.Dermatovenerology Clinic deals with the diagnosis and treatment of skin diseases, genitourinary and visible mucous membranes, such as autoimmune bullous diseases, connective tissue diseases, allergic diseases, dermatoses, disorders of disturbed keratinization, nodular dermatosis, purpuri, pruritic dermatoses, impaired venous circulation and others.
Department of Allergic and Autoimmune DiseasesMixed Pathology DepartmentDepartment for Admission of Patients, Specialized and Consulting Activities and Diagnosis
Day Hospital Section
Section of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Procedures
Jelica Tiodorović, MD, PhD
Dr Milica Petrović
Prim. Dr Ljiljana Nikolić
Dragan Jovanović, MD, PhD
Prim. Dr Milanka Ljubenović
Prim. Dr Danijela Popović
Heads of Sections-Cabinets
Dr Dragana Ljubisavljević
Dr Zorana Zlatanović
Svetlana Arsić